Driveway Permits

The County Engineer issues driveway permits for driveways on County roads and Township Trustees of the township that the driveway is in is responsible for permits. All driveway permits must be approved through the County Engineers Office prior to construction. Driveway inquiries on State routes should contact the local ODOT garage

All new house numbers, not in municipalities, can use the new house number form from the Mapping and Drafting Office . Driveway permits may be obtained through the County Engineers Office. You may also view a copy of this policy by clicking on the linked document.

House Numbering: New construction house numbers are given at the time the driveway permit is issued.

Permits can be submitted via email at or can be printed and mailed to:

 Hocking County Engineer

 1286 California Avenue

 Logan, Ohio 43138

For any question on driveways:


 or visit the Contact Us page of this site.

Driveway and Road Side Pipe Policy Permit
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