The Scaparrotti Veterans Bridge
The 286-foot bridge located on CR #33A, Chieftain Drive, over the Hocking River is the longest structure on our inventory and was given the Historic Bridge Award in 2011. In 2016, the bridge was named "The Scaparrotti Veterans Bridge" at the suggestion of the former Hocking County Engineer, Bill Shaw.
General Curtis Michael Scaparrotti, First Sergeant Michael C. Scaparrotti, and all past, present, and future Veterans from Hocking County who served in all branches of the Armed Forces.
Hocking County is proud to honor all men and women of our Armed Forces!
Our employees are proud of their efforts to preserve this bridge for future generations.
A Historic Bridge Award was presented to the Hocking County Engineer's Office by The Federal Highway Administration, The Ohio Department of Transportation, and The Ohio Historic Preservation Office.
The award was given "In Recognition of Outstanding Efforts in the Context-Sensitive Design of the CR33A Bridge Over the Hocking River".
The three span 273'x24' steel structure was originally built in 1937 and refurbished around 1973. The structure was determined to be "historic" by ODOT officials in 2008.
The new structure is a three span, 286'x36', all concrete structure. As required by historic status, several construction techniques were used to make the new structure resemble the original one.
Hocking County Engineer
1286 California Ave Logan, OH
(740) 385-8543